Hazards To Avoid During Summer Vacation

Hazards To Avoid During Summer Vacation

During the summer season, virtually everyone is gearing up to head outdoors. Whether you are planning a staycation around your hometown or planning a beach holiday with your family, you should be aware of the potential dangers. Here are some of the significant personal injury risks you may be exposed to during summer vacations when everyone is in a hurry to reach their destination and some vacationers may act negligently to the peril of others.

Water-Related Accidents

Many people look for excuses to hit the beach or take a dip in the local or family pool. These destinations are usually a “go-to” for weekenders and vacationers alike. Some people canoe, swim, or fish. Others go cruising on a jet ski or boating. There is always the real risk of drowning or getting hurt when having fun in the water.

This is particularly true in the case of kids. You can easily lose track of your child in the crowd. This is when accidental drownings occur. These are a few tips for helping you and your family avoid water-related injuries:

  • Wearing a life jacket when you are in a boat or any other watercraft.
  • Letting someone know that you are in the water.
  • Monitoring the kids carefully. Don’t hesitate in asking others for help to watch the children.
  • Obey all laws and rules of the water when on a watercraft.
  • Knowing how to deal with a riptide if navigating natural waters.
  • Dress your kids in bright-colored swimwear or clothing to make them easy to spot in the water.

Car Accidents

With more people hitting the road for summer trips, there is an increase in the number of cars on the road. These are people on unfamiliar roads that are usually impatient behind the wheel to reach their destination in time. Car accidents can quickly happen with many people rushing from one activity to the next and driving on roads they don’t know that well.

These are a few essential ways of preventing auto accidents whether you are vacationing or not:

  • Give yourself additional time to reach where you need to be. Always start a little early to account for increased traffic on the roads and the time taken for finding a viable parking spot. This will allow you to eliminate reckless driving, including speeding.
  • Avoid late-night driving. Be wary of drunk drivers if you are in a vacation hotspot.
  • Don’t text and drive. It is best to put your cell phone away and focus on the road.

Bicycle and Pedestrian Accidents

Bicyclists and pedestrians tend to throng the streets during the summer months. This poses an additional risk to car drivers. In most cases, bicyclists and pedestrians are injured by car drivers.

You should abide by local laws if you plan on biking, running, or walking during the summer vacation. You should do everything possible to keep yourself safe. For instance, leave a little extra room if walking or cycling around cars. It’s best to not risk it if you aren’t feeling safe walking or biking in an area.

Sports Accidents

There is an increase in sports-related accidents during the summer months. You may accidentally get injured by a rogue ball or something else. Injuries from skateboarding, bike riding, playing at the playground, jumping on the trampoline, or just tripping while running in flip-flops can sometimes cause painful injuries.

In most cases, sports injuries are not because of the fault of another. However, if you think your injuries are because of the negligent actions of another, you should consult with a competent personal injury attorney. Your attorney will evaluate your claim and help you get the compensation you deserve.

Sunburns & Heat-Related Sickness

Sunburns are very common during summer vacations. Applying and reapplying sunscreen may seem like a no-brainer, but it can be very easy to forget the reapplication part. If you like vacationing in warmer areas where the sun is intense, you should always keep a tube of sunscreen on hand.

A bad sunburn can make your life especially miserable. You won’t be able to head out and enjoy the activities you can. Dehydration and heatstroke can happen faster than you can imagine. You should do everything you can to take breaks from the sun and stay hydrated. You should reapply sunscreen every hour to avoid getting sunburnt.

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If you or someone you love has been injured on a summer vacation even though you took all necessary precautions to avoid a personal injury, the experienced attorneys at Fox Injury Law can watch out for your best interests.

Our lawyers have helped numerous victims and their families receive substantial settlements and verdicts to compensate for their losses and help them move forward with their lives. You can count on us to pursue the maximum compensation you deserve. Schedule a free consultation today with one of our attorneys.


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